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Date limite de candidature : lundi 30 septembre 2013

Facing an unqueal world: challenges for global sociology

Appel à communications - XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, du 13 au 19 juillet 2014

RC 09 recently completed an internal Call for session proposals; we can now suggest below the main part of the Congress program and invite you to submit paper abstracts.

We encourage you to choose topics that reflect the research interests of RC 09 "Social Transformations and the Sociology of Development". Some of you may want to choose a theme that has a regional focus but we hope that most of the papers will be amenable to comparative viewpoints.

Please be as precise as possible in the formulation of your paper abstract to be submitted to the on-line abstract submission system and the chosen session from June 3th, 2013 to September 30th, 2013. Please include your name, your institutional affiliation and your e-mail address.

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