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Paul Ernst Kahle
Paul Ernst Kahle (1875-1964)
Crédits : Privatbesitz Wilhelm Bleek

Date limite de candidature : samedi 30 novembre 2013

Archives of the Orient: International conference on Paul Ernst Kahle

Appel à communications - Colloque du KADMOS project, 10 et 11 avril 2014

Archives of the Orient: International conference on Paul Ernst Kahle April 10-11, 2014 Turin On the occasion of the completion of the KADMOS project (Kahle Documents Management, Organization and Study) and the 50th anniversary of Paul Ernst Kahle’s death, the University of Turin, Di partimento di Studi Umanistici, is pleased to announce the conference “Archives of the Orient: International conference on Paul Ernst Kahle” that is scheduled for April 10th and 11th 2014 in Turin .

The KADMOS project (2010-2013) , realized with the contribution of Regione Piemonte, has allowed a series of activities on the archive, that is part of the Paul Kahle Fonds, aiming at mak ing it available for research to the international scientific community. The conference wil l present the project and the goals achieved so far and intends to deepen the knowledge of the research fields addressed and investigated by Paul Ernst Kahle. Aim of the conference is to bring t ogether academicians and scholars from various academic fields related to Oriental studies, in a cross - disciplinary panorama which mirrors Kahle’s manifold research interests, as well as archivists, curators and other professional s who work on research archives.

Document annexe