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La Lettre n° 64 | Vie de l'École | Colloques et journées d'étude

Lundi 1er et mardi 2 juillet

Migrations et changement social dans les monarchies du Golfe

This conference will be looking at the consequences of mass-migration on Gulf societies, Golf Cooperation Council states and economies. One of the premises of both research and political discourses on migration to the Gulf is that immigrants have very little interaction with their host societies. Migration theory on the contrary has long been demonstrating the social impact of mobility on both host and home societies, looking both qualitatively and quantitatively at the consequences of material, cultural, financial, informational transfers on individuals and groups.

Informations complémentaires

Lieu :
CERI, Sciences Po - Salle 208
Adresse :
56, rue Jacob - 75006 Paris